I had wondered about writing a shameless piece of self-promotion, itemising all the advantages of ‘Peacehaven’ for writers seeing as Jo Franklin is here as I write – but I couldn’t…
So I am addressing our local landwight . I’m sharing my hopes for those staying beneath our roof – and expressing my gratitude.
For my guests I would wish:
that they feel a tingle of relief as they pass through the forcefield that keeps stress away from our peninsula
that the sound of the sea upon the shingle soothes and nourishes them in their dreams
that the smell of fresh, salted air and the chirrups of the sparrows,
the flavours of home-cooked food and the feel of sea-breezes and clean sheets on their skin
bring deep pleasure
To the spirit of place, I offer thanks:
for the beauty by the shore at any time of year
for the never-ending changes in water and sky
for the warmth and ease to the soul in living here
for bringing old and new friends to share my home
Sorry, I’m rubbish at self-promotion.
You should frame this. I am desperate to return.
You would be most, most welcome, Candy,
Peacehaven sounds delightful and just what my friend and I are looking for. I am wondering if you have 2 rooms available any time from 30th May? My friend, Jackie Kohnstamm who was in touch with you earlier in the year, would like to stay for 5 nights and I would like to join her for 2 of these.
I hope I am right in thinking you have a room for each of us? And that you do an evening meal?
I’m keeping my fingers crossed!