

Oliver Cromwell by Samuel Cooper

Apparently, an interregnum is the period between two reigns. In English History, it can refer to the time between Charles I ‘s execution and the arrival of Charles II, whilst we had a Republic (30 January 1649 – 29 May 1660)

Metaphorically, it can mean any suspension of government from the end of one regime to the beginning of another. I rather feel  I am in one…

You see, before Christmas I sent the text of  ‘Stonepeaker’ to Nicki Marshall, my insightful editor at The Golden Egg Academy. Due to circumstances beyond her control, I won’t receive the full response until March. I feel torn between delirious hope that what I’ve done is worthy of the attention of Mother Goose (Imogen Cooper) and the desperate need for patience – and humility.


I don’t even have ‘Wildfell’ to work on to distract me. To my joy – and trepidation – the lovely agent who saw it in its embryonic form has it now. This time, it’s a second draft and I have to thank Tracey Mathias for making me ask if the agent would like a read. Oh, the trembling when I pressed ‘send’.


It’s not that there’s nothing else left for me to do. I have books to read for the Golden Egg Editors’ Course – fiction and memoir, guides and analyses.  I am thoroughly enjoying the range and variety. I love the challenge and diversity – but they speak much more to my intellect. Like every artist, there are things I want to steal – but this just makes the hankering after my own big creative project even worse.


Certain ideas bubble away in the background. Am I pushing them away out of hesitancy, that fear of plunging in? Or is my lack of commitment down to them being too slight, mere distractions – not passions? I still do a miniature piece of fiction every day – but I have no idea what will possess my heart and mind yet.


It being January, I feel this is the season for letting my imagination lie fallow. It takes time to see which seeds germinate the strongest. I will have to trust the muse in charge of the next tale to arrive at her own good speed.


The Dreaming Tree by Christan Schloe


3 thoughts on “Interregnum

  1. Yes, this is the time for dreaming and resting and refilling the ‘well’ – long walks, looking at paintings, living and singing and dancing, finding joy in small ordinary things, writing in your notebook, doodling and playing, before you embark on the next long journey …

  2. I think Julia’s advice is excellent. I also think that reading new things, not in the genre you write, is great – so looking at poets new to you, for example, or reading a History book on a period you don’t know much about, or a Natural History book – or actually going out and walking, visiting places you haven’t had time to do when writing, travelling if you can, re-connecting with friends, resting, listening to music and having fun is all good!! Good luck with the agent and with all your writing!

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