Dear Sirs,
In your roles as Ministers at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport I would like you to reconsider your position on the closure of small local libraries, and school libraries. As a primary school teacher for over a decade, a parent and a children’s writer, I believe your Department must step in and prevent wide-spread destruction of these esssential local facilities.
If you wash your hands of this you are saying that:
- you don’t care about children who have no books at home , in fact, you don’t care about anyone who has no other access to books
- you think the excitement and specialness of entering a physical world of ideas isn’t important for lots of children or adults
- you want children to see reading as only something you do to fill in worksheets at school
- you think Library events such as Toddlers’ Storytime, talks to the elderly about nutrition and drop-in sessions for people for whom English is an additional language no longer need the space they have been used to
- you think writers don’t want small local spaces to work in and connect with their readers – without commercial pressure
- you don’t think support for adults who find reading and writing a real challenge needs to be done at an approachable local level
- you think it will be OK for people who haven’t got their own transport to have to travel miles to find a library that is still open
- you think it will be acceptable to expect people who have got transport to travel miles
- you think people in bed & breakfast accommodation don’t need anywhere to go and learn, that the homeless have no right to books,
- you think only people who can pay should have a safe and comfortable environment in which to read study and meet others nearby
- you think people who have no internet access don’t need any learning facilities near them
- In short you don’t care about libraries and everything they do, you just want money to be saved at the expense of our culture.
Philippa R. Francis, MA (Hons ) Primary Education, BA (Hons) English Literature
I am far from the only one to feel this way, please read these
- Candy Gourlay and Teri Terry
- Philip Ardagh
- Bryony Pearce
- Lucy Coats
- Kathryn Evans
- Nick Cross
- Keren David
- Jon Mayhew
- Nina Killham
- Sarwat Chadda
- Alan Gibbons founder of the Campaign For The Book
- Nicky Schmidt offers a South African perspective